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作家相片: Fai TingFai Ting


順德聯誼總會翁祐中學 x TURNED-E!

TURNED-E! 很榮幸能夠參與「PCB校園紀念品設計大賽」的協辦及評審。在這次活動中,來自不同小學的小小工程師們不僅學到了Printed Circuit Board (PCB)的製作技巧,還展現了他們的創意和應用科技的概念。他們成功地將科技融入生活,設計出了別具創意的作品。在介紹產品和評審階段,來自主辦方"順德聯誼總會翁祐中學"的老師、EasyEDA 的工程師和 TURNED-E! 及 Semtron 的導師們為參賽作品提供了評分和優化建議,讓這些小小工程師們得以進一步鞏固所學知識並拓展學習。


TURNED-E! It was an honor to participate in the co-organization and judging of the "PCB Campus Souvenir Design Competition". In this event, young engineers from different primary schools not only learned the techniques of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) manufacturing, but also demonstrated their creativity and application of technology concepts. They successfully integrated technology into daily life and designed works with unique creativity.

During the product introduction and evaluation stage, teachers from the organizing school "Shun Tak Fraternal Association Yung Yau College", engineers from EasyEDA, and mentors from TURNED-E! and Semtron provided scoring and optimization suggestions for the entries, allowing these young engineers to further consolidate their knowledge and expand their learning.

We sincerely hope that the growth of these young engineers will create a new chapter for the future of Hong Kong's microelectronics industry. Through such campus activities, we have seen the boundless potential of the next generation of designers and engineers, who will inject new momentum into Hong Kong's technological development.



© 2024 TURNED-E! Education Limited

Units 109B-113 of the 1st Floor of Enterprise Place, Phase One, Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok, New Territories, Hong Kong (Tai Po Town Lot No.171)

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